Welcome to our first blog post, and all I can say is it’s about time! We will be posting musings about a whole range of themes relating to creativity, motherhood, life, as well as putting the spotlight on creative mamas we love, sharing more details about our incredibly diverse range of events and promotions that are relevant to you, our special mama creatives community.
You might have heard the quote, “You have the same 24 hours as Beyonce”. I’m not referring to this as a comparison to her lifestyle of wealth and fame, but as an understanding of how we spend our time. As creative mothers time is such a valuable commodity, and we can feel torn managing our children’s needs, spending quality time with our partners and significant relationships, socialising, working for an income and allowing space and time for our creative talent – just to name a few things.
It’s not about ‘having it all’, or ‘juggling’ as I feel these expressions seem unattainable and negative. I think it’s about learning how to manage time better, letting go of perfection, stealing stolen moments and being okay with that. If we spend only 15 minutes a day doing something creative that we love, this equals nearly 2 hours/week or 6 hours/month. Over one year who knows what creative project could be accomplished.
In the first video of our ‘Creative Mamas We Love’ video series, we chatted to Rachel Power, writer, editor and author who explores the issue of time in her book, ‘Motherhood & Creativity; The Divided Heart’. She interviewed 22 high profile creative mothers and a common theme amongst the most prolific creative mamas aaas that they made time, even against all odds; when the kids are asleep at night, early in the morning before anyone is awake and also working with greater focus in shorter snippets of time.
We have many more amazing videos of creative mamas sharing their stories of inspiration, overcoming adversity and much more. If you would like access to all these and more, subscribe to Mama Creatives to stay in the loop. We will launching our Red Hot Mama online membership very soon!
How do other creatives manage their time? Writer Mason Currey has written a book about it called ‘Daily Rituals’, and Extraordinary Routines is a whole website devoted to this very topic.
Speaking of time, the best thing I could give my husband on our recent 12th wedding anniversary is my time. I have been focused on building Mama Creatives, whilst working as an art therapist, an art teacher, and helping my elderly mother sell her house of 40 years and move into an aged care home. Something had to give and I have been neglecting our relationship, so this is the fancy gift I presented him at dinner. He thought our young daughter had made it, (she didn’t, I did it in about 2 minutes), but he loved it! The sentiment of this small gesture has a deeper value giving him the most precious thing I have, time.
So if you would like to meet more creative mamas and feel some of the mama love, why don’t you book in a date with us too? We have some amazing events coming up over the next three months, including our first ever East Coast Launch Tour with three events in Queensland and two more in Victoria. Our next event in Sydney, ‘Creativity and the Art of Healing’ is on Thursday 13 October. You can check all the details on our Events page.