‘Goal Setting’ Grounding Webinar

Come and join us for our online ‘Goal Setting’ grounding webinar with Anna Kellerman, clinical art therapist, researcher and Mama Creatives founder.

DATE: Wednesday 22 April, 2020
TIME: 10.30am – 11am (EST)

It’s a challenging time, but it’s a great chance to reconnect with your values and goals so you feel grounded:

  • How are you coping amongst all this upheavel and change?
  • What do you imagine for yourself now, and over the next 12 months?
  • Are you overwhelmed, worn out and need some support?
  • Do you feel ready to tackle a way through life’s uncertainty and set yourself up in a way that anchors you?

It’s very powerful to set an intention and vision with an overarching theme to guide your goals, but unless there is action attached that’s all it is. Some words and hope. That’s a great start but we need both.

In this focused webinar you will learn how to take action and remain accountable to your vision and goals.


Anna will share her very own goal setting process that she uses to plan out Mama Creatives, alongside her other professional and personal commitments, including:

  • How to turn a one word intention into achievable action
  • How to create clear outcomes while minimising overwhelm
  • An easy to manage and implement 5 step framework
  • Feel more grounded, in only 30 minutes.


Anna is a creative nurturer, super-connector and lateral thinker. She is a trained art educator, with a Bachelor of Art Education, majoring in Educational Psychology, and a registered art therapist with a Masters in Art Therapy. She has a published thesis about the benefits of working with clay and children with anxiety disorders. Over the past 15 years she has worked with kids and teens with a range of emotional and behavioural problems, and most recently worked with children from domestic violence backgrounds.

Anna has also spent 20 years as a qualitative researcher helping a broad range of clients, corporations and smaller businesses across diverse sectors, in both Australia and Europe, to better understand people’s motivations, usage and attitudes. She has a curious nature and always enjoys meeting new people and believes everyone has an interesting story to tell.

Anna started Mama Creatives seven years ago with a few friends and has grown it into a community of thousands of highly engaged creative women. She remains super charged about the future of Mama Creatives, and growing it into a remarkable global community connecting and showcasing talented creative mamas from every corner of the earth.


I’d never have believed that in a short 40 minute session, I’d have found my mojo to steer me forward.

Anna Kellerman is dynamite. Her gifted intuition and manner of honing into the substance of the issue at hand is nothing short of remarkable.

I left my goal setting session feeling a clarity of direction which has carried me through a challenging and dynamic growth phase of my business. I’m indebted to Anna for offering me more than any long term coaching sessions I have experienced before!

Belinda Phillips

Founder, La Luna Lifestyle

Anna is quite simply brilliant. She has helped in providing a roadmap for me to find a way through a very emotional and difficult life transition.

Anna has been a catalyst for change, self-responsibility and a whole new realm of possibility for creating my next chapter.

Carli Leimbach

Creative Entrepreneur Coach, Feminine Power Facilitator, Design Strategist

I found that session it really helped me to establish my priorities quickly and effectively.

Writing things down in a structured way was very useful. Now I can do my best to stay focused on the year ahead!

Yaeli Ohana

Artist & Art Educator

Thank you so much for an amazing session – I have my plan posted up on my wall in front of my desk so that I can refer to it every day and I’ve already started actioning a few steps. It feels so good to have this diarised!

Thanks too for sharing your own goals and action steps for this year – it helped me to think about what I wanted to achieve as well. 

Siobhan Costigan

Filmmaker & Designer

Book in for your free spot, this is one session not to be missed!