‘This Creative Life’ online masterclass series – heartfelt conversations with wise creative women.


‘The Power of Curiosity & Collaboration’, featuring Peggy Wallach.



Peggy has had a career as an international performer and performance artist, working across the entire spectrum of the visual and performing arts, predominantly in interactive performance/based installation and experimental theatre.

Peggy is a real legend, a dynamic artist, director, performance artist who has lectured and worked in multidisciplinary fields including stage lighting, sound, theatre setting the agenda for women and artists in Australia since the late 70s and 80s. She’s a lateral thinker, intellectual creative, true connector, inspirational mentor to many and has also facilitated women empowerment groups using meditation as a key tool. 


This expansive conversation features the legendary Peggy Wallach, a dynamic multidisciplinary artist, director, performance artist, creative mentor and visionary. 

We discuss a range of important themes including:

  • The concept of being a spiritual tourist and how the philosopical belief in universal energy informs creative choices and subsequent work. 

  • The power of ‘curiosity, collaboration and communication’.

  • The evolution of the multidisciplinary and performance art worlds over the last three decades, and the positive and negative impact this has had on women. 

  • Joining the dots, with poignant anecdotes from childhood to provide a foundation for this creative life. 

  • Working with women in recovery from addictions, through the Detox Theatre, (Belvoir St Theatre) in Sydney and how creative expression inspired female empowerment. 

  • A simple creative activity to bring you (and a stranger) some joy into your everyday. 

To view this video conversation just click on the photo below.


This interview is part of our special ‘This Creative Life’ Masterclass series, inspiring conversations with mature, wise women.

If you would like to hear/view the rest of our incredible line up, please visit here.